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Sunday, March 18, 2007

I am @ youth .sg

Youth, as everyone knows, it’s a period of time whereby we have the boundless of energy to carry out and achieve what we want to achieve. Learning and discovering new things among ourselves and also discovering ourselves at the smae time. But many had not realize the great potentials within us and had lead many of the youths to waste the advantages that we as youths have. Making a good career choice decision when we are youths is also very important. and there are many other problems that the youths in Singapore face.

Nowadays, the huge problem among the Singapore youths is that they are very addicted to the cyber world, spending most of the times on downloading songs from the unauthorized websites and playing virtual games just for leisure. Instead, many adults expect them to be more materialistic and practical as they are the young adults, and thinking bout the future of singapore that awaits us though we youths dont really do much about it.

The school life for many youths in Singapore have also been a stressful thing for them to face where there is numerous of test and examinations awaiting them. From theses, many youths then feel the pressure and stress within them. As to many Singaporeans adults, the key to a better life is to have better education, which means more and more workload for the youths. Thus, the adding of stress goes on. But thankfully, MOE have come out with ‘the Singapore youth festival (SYF)’ as annual event which youths have to participate in their CCAs and also a time for the passion of the youths.

The other comman problems among youths is also choosing the right groups of friends to hang out with. With the wrong group of friends, its very easy that the youth will have suffer from peer pressure. The peers will influence them with a wrong set of thinking and lead them to do the wrong stuff like for example, stealing. What is worst. Breaking the law will only make the youth feel that they are brave as they dare to do things that others dont and being accepted in the group. This will make them ‘addicted’ in continuing of breaking the law. With peer pressure and hanging out with the wrong group of friends will make them think that taking drugs, smoking is good for the youths as they are ‘accepted’ in the group of friends and they are considered as the ‘cool’ kids.

the world will turn WILD.
10:19 AM


the world will turn WILD.
3:11 AM




shi ying #23
twentyfive10 =D
aka. shin & ah-SONG
sweet FOURteen going FIFteen
1E'o52G'o6 3G'o7
nutty person =p
one of the europhic4


cca: DANCE

favourite colours:
pink. green. orange. red. gold


i want a chocolate factory =D


insert tagboard here!
cbox reccomended.
max width: 170px



  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • Credits

    Host:x x x
    Designer:x x